PHENOM members are a dedicated bunch! On June 15, a group of 20 students, staff, alums and faculty spent 5 hours on a beautiful Saturday at Quinsigamond Community College planning for the coming year. After watching an inspiring 9 minute video about last year’s student strike in Quebec, much of the discussion focused on three main topics:
1. What are barriers to accessing higher education, and what sorts of policies could improve access for all Massachusetts residents? PHENOM will be working with other groups to organize a conference on this topic. Please contact our Organizing Intern if you are interested in helping in any way. See discussion points at end of meeting minutes.
2. What sorts of policies could impact the student debt crisis in Massachusetts, and how can PHENOM best work with the new subcommittee of the Higher Education Committee, chaired by Rep. Paul Mark, tasked with addressing this issue? Please contact our Legislative Team Leader with your ideas.
3. How can PHENOM best restructure itself to be as effective as possible in building a strong, educated, and engaged grassroots movement?
Save these Sunday afternoons for PHENOM General Assembly Meetings in 2013-14:
October 6
November 3
February 2
March 2
April 6