2017 Legislative Call-In Campaign

Tell Legislators to Fund Higher Ed!

PHENOM is running an ongoing legislative call-in campaign to keep the pressure on legislators to meet our asks from yesterday and build a high-quality, debt-free public higher education system for EVERYONE in Massachusetts.

Your State Rep and State Senator want to hear from you about public higher education. Let them know how high costs and debt affect you and your family.

What to expect when you call: Just give your name and purpose for calling (i.e. I want my legislator to support full funding to state campuses) and they’ll say thank you, and pass your statement to your legislator…that’s it!


  1. Find your legislators at https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator
  2. Click their name and get their phone numbers
  3. Call them and say you support high-quality, debt-free public higher education

Resources: You can find the Asks (link) and Talking Points (link) from Advocacy Day on our website. Use them when you’re calling your legislators to help support your points and tell your story.

Call Now!   Our Asks   Talking Points