The 2013-14 budget passed by the Legislature includes the establishment of a commission to examine options and make recommendations regarding the funding of public higher education in Massachusetts. The Commission is to complete its work by June 2014. PHENOM looks forward to working with the Commission, and has begun by making a set of far-reaching and important recommendations.
To whet your appetite, here are some excerpts:
“We are especially concerned about broader implementation of “performance funding” as the vehicle for advancing our public higher education system.”
“The state’s 50% contribution should be used to make the first two years of college free,”
“Create a new College Access Fund to support campus efforts at overcoming barriers to attendance and success.”
PHENOM is looking forward to meeting with groups around the state to discuss these ideas, and to continue building broad support for an accessible, affordable, high quality system of public colleges and universities that meet the needs of Massachusetts residents now and far into the future.