apple1We participate in both COMECC, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employee Charitable Campaign and UMACC, the UMass Amherst Community Campaign. This means that state employees can easily contribute to PHENOM as part of their charitable giving this year.



UMACC: UMass staff and faculty must contribute through UMass Amherst’s UMACC- University of Massachusetts Amherst Community Campaign. Tax-deductible contributions to PHENOM can be made online, by payroll deduction or check (payable to UMACC) by using the pledge card you receive from your UMACC Coordinator. Fill out the form with PHENOM’s Charity Code: 700463 and amount in one of the four boxes and return it to the Coordinator.


COMECC: All other staff, faculty and state employees can contribute through COMECC.  Tax-deductible contributions to PHENOM through COMECC can be made by payroll deduction or check (payable to COMECC) by using the pledge card you will receive from the COMECC coordinator on your campus.  You can also pledge by payroll deduction or credit card online at,  PHENOM can be found by clicking on this link or by typing in our Charity Code: 700463, under the Find a charity section on the left, or PHENOM in the “Charity Name OR Keyword” box.

Local campaign managers will soon be delivering materials and encouraging participation.  Please suggest to your co-workers that they too consider PHENOM in their giving plan.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. You can write us at or call 978-227-8473.

 PHENOM’s COMECC & UMACC Charity Code is: 700463