What is a Campus Chapter?
A PHENOM Campus Chapter is a group of students, staff, and faculty who come together in support of PHENOM’s principles and the understanding that:
- One of the best ways to improve conditions for those who study and work on the campus is to strengthen our whole system of public higher education, and that
- We are stronger when students, staff, and faculty work together on issues of common concern
Ideally, major student, staff and faculty organizations will be deeply involved with the Campus Chapter, but this may not always be the case. We hope Chapters will focus their work not only on PHENOM’s statewide agenda, but local campus issues.
How does a Chapter function?
The only requirements for a Chapter are that it:
- Includes a variety of constituencies (e.g. students, staff, and faculty); that are represented in the group’s public face.
- Appoints a liaison to, and keeps in touch with, the PHENOM Executive Director, and makes every effort to have at least some members attend quarterly statewide PHENOM meetings
- Has general agreement with PHENOM’s principles
- Is expected to participate in major PHENOM campaigns, but has complete autonomy to take on whatever issues it chooses, so long as they are consistent with PHENOM’s principles.
Some Chapters will decide to adopt formal bylaws; others may function more informally.
Why is PHENOM setting up these Chapters?
PHENOM understands that our power to dramatically improve our system of public higher education requires a strong grassroots movement. By having a presence on each campus, PHENOM can, among other things,
- Involve students, staff, faculty, alumni, and others in statewide campaigns
- Reach out into the nearby community to identify and work with other supporters of accessible, affordable, well-funded public colleges
- Develop close relationships with public officials representing the area close to the college
Goals for Chapters include:
- Increased political advocacy
- Increased visibility and credibility for PHENOM
- Political education
- Student empowerment and leadership development
- Coalition building
PHENOM hopes to bring members of Campus Chapters together periodically at regional meetings, conferences, advocacy days, trainings, and/or educational forums.
For more information, please contact PHENOM Executive Director, Natalie Higgins, at 978-227-8473 or nhiggins@phenomonline.org.
We would like to thank the Massachusetts Teachers Association for a major grant enabling PHENOM to launch new campus chapters.