Month: December 2015
PHENOM’s President Rallies for Fair Share
PHENOM’s President, Kimberly Selwitz, rallied for the Fair Share Amendment with Raise Up Massachusetts on Tuesday December 1, 2015.
10 Days + 166 Donations = Challenge Completed and $10,938 Raised!
Thank you for all of your incredible support in our 10 Days to $10K Challenge! In just 10 Days, PHENOM has had our most successful fundraiser to-date, […]
Coverage of Fair Share Amendment Rally, Exploring the Geography of Student Debt Event, and only THREE more days to meet our Challenge! Will you help us get there?
One week into our 10 Days to $10K Challenge, you’ve raised more than $3,600. That means we’re less than $1,400 from meeting our $5,000 match — doubling our fundraising. Help […]
The Onion Takes on Adjunct Faculty Issues
Thanks to The Onion for raising up adjunct (part-time/contingent) faculty issues, even if it’s satirical. Too many cuts to public higher education funding in Massachusetts resulted in the exploitation of […]
#Giving Tuesday + Join PHENOM at Boston and Washington DC events today!
Thank you to all the donors who came out strong yesterday and put us over $2,000! But we still have a long way to go to meet our $5,000 matching […]