Month: June 2012
Why Does So Much State Financial Aid Go to Private Colleges?
Only 5 states in the country send a smaller proportion of their state financial aid grants to public colleges. According to a new report by the National Association of State […]
Obama Administration Report Shows Causes of Increased Student Costs
No, it’s not faculty salaries. Nor is it “waste and inefficiency”. It’s decline in state support. This report by the U.S. Treasury and Education Departments lays out the facts very […]
UMass Amherst – 10 Years of Change
This simple chart shows what has happened to enrollment, faculty, student costs, and state appropriations. It’s quite dramatic. The trends are similar at all the public campuses in Massachusetts.
Governor Calls for Revenue for Higher Ed
The Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts criticized the latest hike in UMass student fees of 4.9%. At the same time, PHENOM applauded Governor Deval Patrick for saying that increased […]